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Life insurance for the young and single
It might seem too soon to start thinking about life insurance when you only graduated a few years ago – or just started your first “real” job, but in reality it’s not. That’s because even if you are young or single, you should be prepared if something happens to you.
- You don’t want your family – including your parents – to have to pay any debts you leave behind. If you have an outstanding balance on your credit cards, a loan that someone has co-signed for, a mortgage on your first home, or a loan from family to make the down payment, now is the perfect time to consider life insurance.
- The younger you are when you buy life insurance, the cheaper your coverage will be and your premiums will not increase for the term you choose.
- Purchasing life insurance when you are young and healthy – and keeping it – guarantees that you will be covered no matter what happens to your health in the future.
- Bundle with select TD Insurance products and you can get up to 10% off1
Buying life insurance now will not only help protect the people who are important to you, it will also give you a valuable building block for your financial future.
"Almost 40% of life insurance buyers in Canada are younger than 352."
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1 Some restrictions may apply.
2 LIMRA: Canadian Individual Life Insurance Sales Survey Supplement, 2014 data